How Enterprises Can A/B Test Workflow with Automation Tools


When your A/B test procedures suck, everything else falls apart. Products get delayed, customer satisfaction is reduced, and costs increase. One of the challenges enterprises face is when these tests are done manually. One wrong test result, and you will make a wrong decision which could damage your company’s reputation. To address these challenges, organizations must optimize how they test their workflows. Automation tools streamline A/B testing processes, automate repetitive tasks, and implement robust quality control measures, to significantly improve testing efficiency and accuracy. In this article, we will discuss the challenges of manual A/B testing and how to get more accurate results from workflow A/B testing with automation tools.

The Challenges of Manual A/B Testing in Enterprises


As businesses expand their offerings, the number of elements that need to be tested increases. This includes testing across websites, mobile apps, and other digital channels which multiplies the number of potential variations. Running multiple A/B tests manually can lead to confusion and difficulty in determining the impact of each test.

Human Error

Human error is an issue in manual A/B testing, leading to inaccuracies and compromised results. Manually dividing users into test groups can result in uneven distribution, affecting the accuracy of comparisons. Mistakes in setting up test parameters, such as variations or randomization, can invalidate results. Miscommunication between team members can lead to errors in test execution and analysis. These errors undermine the reliability and validity of A/B test results.

Time Consumption

Gathering data from various sources, manually identifying and correcting errors, and inputting it into spreadsheets or databases is time-intensive. As a result of these time constraints, manual A/B testing can slow down decision-making, reduce the speed of innovation, and hinder overall business agility.

Data Analysis Complexity

Data may come from various sources, making aggregation and consolidation challenging. Manual data visualization often relies on basic tools like spreadsheets, limiting insights. Without the support of advanced analytics tools, manual data analysis becomes a bottleneck, hindering the ability to extract valuable insights from A/B test results.

Lack of Standardization

Without a centralized platform, A/B testing processes can vary across departments, leading to inconsistencies and difficulty in comparing results. Different teams or individuals may employ varying approaches to test, design, execution, and analysis. The inability to compare results across different tests hinders the identification of best practices. Best practices and lessons learned are often confined to individual teams or projects which makes new team members struggle to adopt effective testing methodologies.

Slow Iteration

Manual A/B testing often results in delayed insights into test performance, hindering timely decision-making. Delays in identifying winning variations can lead to missed opportunities to capitalize on market trends. Slow iteration cycles can hinder an organization's ability to bring new products or features to market quickly. Competitors with faster testing cycles can gain a competitive advantage. The time and effort required for manual testing will also limit the number of experiments conducted, thereby reducing the chances of getting the best possible results.

How To A/B Test Enterprise Workflows With Automation Tools

Identify the Workflow to Test

Prioritize workflows that interact with customers at critical decision points, such as lead nurturing, onboarding, or sales follow-up. Workflows directly tied to sales or revenue should be a primary focus. Ensure the workflow generates enough data for meaningful analysis. Identify workflows with measurable KPIs to evaluate performance. Look for workflows with known pain points or areas of low performance. Then identify areas where small changes could lead to significant improvements. Align your testing efforts with high-priority business goals and consider the potential consequences of changes to the workflow. Another great tip is to begin with less critical workflows to gain experience and build confidence.

Select Automation Tools

Prioritize tools that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems to ensure data consistency and efficient workflows. Look for tools that offer A/B testing for emails, landing pages, forms, and other relevant elements. The tool should allow you to create complex workflows with multiple steps and conditions. Drag-and-drop automation tools like Activepieces are highly recommended to help you translate workflows visually. Ensure the tool can accommodate a growing number of tests, users, complexity, and data volumes. Consider the potential ROI of the tool based on expected improvements in workflow efficiency and performance.

Create Control and Variation Workflows

Create a duplicate of your existing workflow to serve as the control group.

Control Workflow is the original, unchanged version of your workflow. It serves as the baseline for comparison. Variation Workflow is a copy of the control workflow with specific changes or modifications you want to test.

Ensure all steps, actions, and conditions are identical. Determine the specific elements you want to test and focus on testing one variable at a time to isolate its impact. Duplicate the control workflow for each variation you want to test. Make the desired changes to each variation workflow. Use descriptive names for control and variation workflows to easily identify them. Document the changes made to each variation workflow for future reference.

Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

KPIs are the yardstick by which you measure the success of your A/B test. They should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Clearly define what you want to achieve with the A/B test. Are you aiming to increase conversions, reduce costs, or improve customer satisfaction? Select metrics that directly correlate with your business objectives. Track KPIs regularly to assess the long-term impact of the test.

Distribute Traffic

Group users based on specific criteria (e.g., demographics, behavior, purchase history). Randomly assign users within each segment to control and variation groups to maintain balance. If you have a strong preference for one variation, allocate a higher percentage of traffic to it. Gradually increase the traffic to the variation group over time to identify potential problems early on. Many automation tools offer features for traffic splitting and randomization. If necessary, integrate with external traffic management systems. Ensure each group has enough participants to produce significant results. For example you're A/B testing email subject lines, you could randomly assign 50% of your email list to receive the control subject line and the remaining 50% to receive the variation subject line.

The Benefits of Automation Tools in A/B Testing

Automation streamlines the entire A/B testing process, from setup and execution to data analysis. This frees up valuable time for teams to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation. It eliminates human error, ensuring precise data collection and analysis. This leads to more reliable test results and better-informed decisions. Automation tools enable enterprises to manage and analyze a larger number of A/B tests simultaneously, accelerating experimentation and optimization. They also enable testing cycles to be significantly shorter, allowing businesses to quickly iterate on ideas and launch successful campaigns faster.

Types of Automation Tools for Workflow A/B Testing


Activepieces provides a user-friendly and visual workflow builder with support for branches, loops, and drag-and-drop functionality. This makes it easy to create and test variations of workflows without extensive coding knowledge.

The platform offers seamless integration with a wide range of services that can be incorporated into workflows. This allows enterprises to customize and test different combinations of tools and actions. Activepieces can be deployed on-premises, which is important for enterprises in regulated industries like insurance and healthcare that require enhanced data security and compliance.

As an open-source tool, Activepieces can adapt to existing setups without requiring a major overhaul. This scalability is crucial for large companies as automation needs to grow.


Zapier's testing features let you duplicate and edit test data directly within the platform. This streamlines the A/B testing process without needing to leave the app. For example, it enables you to create an "if/then" branch step using a randomly assigned number.


Workato enables enterprises to A/B test workflows through its integration capabilities and automation features.

Users can implement conditional logic to create branches in workflows, allowing for the testing of different paths and actions based on user interactions or data.