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Add Github Pull Requests As Tasks


Ever felt swamped by the sheer number of Github pull requests you have to track? ๐Ÿ‘€ Keeping everything in check can burn a whole lot of your time.

Say goodbye to manually adding tasks on Monday for each new pull request in Github. Let's automate it!

In this guide, you'll learn how to create tasks automatically in Monday every time there's a new pull request in Github. Ain't that a lifesaver?

Essentials for Automating Monday Tasks with Github Pull Requests

To get this automation rolling, you'll need to have a few things sorted out first:

  • A subscription to Activepieces. It's the magic wand that ties everything together.
  • An account on Github- that's where all your pull requests will be coming from.
  • A Monday account. This is where the tasks will be created the moment there's a new pull request in Github.

Having all these at the ready, you're good to go!

Steps to automate task creation in Monday with Github pull requests

Step 1: Copy the Github + Monday template

For starters, get your hands on this rock-solid template from ActivePieces. It's preconfigured to create a task in Monday for every new pull request in Github. When you copy the template, it'll prompt you to login or sign up for your ActivePieces account. Once thatโ€™s done, voila, the automation flow is all set up in your account!

Step 2: Understand the Github + Monday automation structure

Flow Diagram

Let's break it down! This automation workflow has two main parts: a trigger and an action. The 'New Pull Request' trigger is on high alert in your Github repository, waiting for new PRs to pounce on. Once it detects a fresh PR, it activates the 'Create Item' action in Monday.

The action step creates an item (or task) on your chosen Monday board with details of the pull request. So instead of juggling between Github and Monday, you get everything in one place. And the best part? It's all automatic- no more manual labor!

Step 3: Configure your Github + Monday flow

Now, let's tailor this flow to better fit your needs. First off, you need to link your Github and Monday accounts to the corresponding steps. Just click the '+' button to add a new connection and follow the directions. Easy as pie!

Next up, fine-tune the settings. The 'New Pull Request' trigger will ask you to select a repository. Go ahead and choose the one you want to keep tabs on.

Then, pop over to the 'Create Item' action in Monday. You'll need to pick a board and a group where new tasks should appear. You can also customize the task details to include all the info you need.

Remember, in the world of automation, a little bit of tinkering goes a long way!

Once you're done, hit 'Publish'. Your shiny new automation workflow is now live and ready to roll! Now, sit back and watch as tasks show up in Monday for every new pull request in Github. Keeping track of PRs just got a whole lot easier, didn't it?

Other Automation Ideas for Github

Automation Ideas for Github

1. When New Pull Request in Github, Create Document in Google Docs

Imagine having a Google Doc created for every new pull request in Github. It's like having a dedicated space where you can jot down your thoughts, feedback, or anything related to that PR. And guess what? You can set this up in no time on ActivePieces!

  • First, select 'New Pull Request' as the trigger and 'Create Document' as the action in ActivePieces.
  • Then, link your Github and Google Docs accounts respectively.
  • Lastly, pick the repository for the trigger and specify the folder for the document in Google Docs.

And there you have it! Now, each new PR in Github will automatically create a new Document in Google Docs.

Oh, and did I mention that you can replicate this automation flow with any document service you fancy? So whether it's Google Docs or not, ActivePieces has got you covered!

2. When New Issue in Github, Send Message to User in Team Chat Service

Imagine never missing out on a newly raised issue on Github because you got an instant notification on your team chat service like Slack. Sounds ace, right? With ActivePieces, you can make this happen effortlessly.

  • Kick off by picking 'New Issue' as the trigger from Github and 'Send Message' as the action for Slack in ActivePieces.
  • Next, link your Github and Slack accounts accordingly.
  • Lastly, select the repository for the trigger and specify the user and message details for the action.

And there you go, buddy! Every time a new issue pops up in Github, a message will be sent to your chosen user on Slack. This way, you can stay on top of those pesky issues without sweating it!

And hey, this ain't just for Slack; you can set up the same automation flow for Discord, Telegram bot or any other team chat service you use. So no matter where you chat, ActivePieces keeps you in the loop!

3. When New Issue in Github, Send an Email through SMTP Service

Ever wished for a heads-up email every time a new issue arises on Github? Well, guess what? ActivePieces can make that dream come true! Now you can get all the deets right in your inbox, no need to constantly check Github.

  • Start by choosing 'New Issue' from Github as the trigger and 'Send Email' from SMTP as the action in ActivePieces.
  • Next, connect your Github and SMTP accounts to their corresponding spots.
  • Finally, specify the repository for the trigger and fill in the email details for the action.

And just like that, every new issue on Github has a ticket straight to your email via SMTP! The same idea works great with other services like SendGrid. So pick your platform, roll up your sleeves, and let ActivePieces do the heavy lifting!