Choosing AI Tools: The Role of a Base Automation System


Juggling multiple AI tools and creating a cohesive AI culture is not exactly a walk in the park for enterprises. For starters, not everyone has great technical abilities.

Then there is the elephant in the room – people worrying about AI snatching their jobs. On the other hand, we have the unrealistic expectations that come with all the AI hype.

One thing that enterprises seem to be missing is that base automation is the bedrock of a successful AI strategy. A base automation tool enables you to get your data in order and streamline your processes. When you have that solid foundation, bringing in AI becomes a whole lot smoother.

Automation Tools Can Lower the Barrier to Build on AI

For example, marketing doesn't need to know the nitty-gritty of how AI works. They just want to know how it can create killer campaigns. Automation tools bridge the gap between the technical aspects of AI and the real-world problems we're all trying to solve.

Even if you choose a bunch of AI tools, there has to be a smooth flow of data from one application to another, or else you will be back to manual data transfer processes. Automation software like Activepieces have pre-built connectors that connect different AI applications together to ensure maximum efficiency. It creates a smooth workflow that anyone can navigate regardless of technical abilities.

At this point, AI becomes accessible to anyone, not just for IT or other technical roles. Now, Bob from sales can experiment with AI solutions without feeling like he's trying to decode the Matrix.

This is interesting because it encourages experimentation and brings diverse perspectives into the company’s AI strategy. Things can be done faster and more efficiently. On the other hand, different departments and teams can come up with creative AI solutions that only someone with hands-on experience in their field can think of.

The real ROI on AI happens when AI becomes accessible to everyone. This human-AI collaboration in enterprises enables humans to do what they do best - innovate, create, and solve problems.

Automation tools can relieve IT stress

As companies are jumping headfirst into the AI pool, guess who's expected to keep everyone from drowning? That's right– IT.

IT teams are tasked with the critical responsibility of managing, securing, and deploying these AI systems while carrying out their regular duties.

This added responsibility can contribute to significant stress and pressure on IT professionals within enterprises. Automation tools can significantly reduce the stress and workload on IT teams by automating various aspects of AI implementation and governance.

These tools can simplify and accelerate the deployment of AI models by providing pre-built templates and workflows. They can also automate testing and validation to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI models with little or no manual intervention. Automated model retraining and updating can ensure that AI models remain accurate and relevant without requiring constant manual intervention.

Drag-and-drop automation tools like Activepieces are recommended to give IT teams a comprehensive view of all AI initiatives. This enables them to monitor performance, enforce policies, and maintain control over the company’s entire AI ecosystem easily.

Essential Characteristics of a Base Automation Tool

When it comes to selecting a base automation tool for enterprises, there are several key characteristics that are essential for effective implementation and management:

Ease of Use

The automation tool should have a user-friendly interface and intuitive workflows that enable both technical and non-technical users to quickly build and deploy automated processes. This ensures easy adoption across the organization.


The automation tool must be highly reliable, with robust error handling, and the ability to recover from failures seamlessly. This ensures the consistency and dependability of automated processes.


The automation tool should provide robust security features, including access controls, data encryption, and audit logging, to protect sensitive information and comply with organizational policies and regulations.


The tool should offer centralized management capabilities, allowing IT teams to monitor, control, and govern all automated processes from a single point. This includes features like version control, rollback, and performance analytics.


The automation tool should be highly configurable, with the ability to integrate with a wide range of systems, applications, and data sources. This flexibility ensures that the tool can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of the enterprise.