Boosting HR Efficiency with GenAI


“ Hold on, could all this talk about GenAI in HR be real or is it something straight out of sci-fi? I mean, sure, it can automate stuff, but can it understand the real human side of things, you know, like keeping employees happy and engaged? “

The buzz around GenAI isn’t ending soon, the reason being that it is taking every aspect of business by storm. GenAI is that listener who takes instruction once and continuously generates suitable responses and guess what, the HR industry is not exempted. It allows you to streamline HR workflows, automate decisions and make the entire HR job a stress-free one. No wonder HR Managers have switched to using different Gen AI tools for their operations. You must be centuries behind if you have not adopted one for your HR processes.

How can GenAI help HR?

Wondering how Gen AI helps HR?

Imagine that there are no means of transportation but you need to go to the next city for an urgent business contract. I mean without transportation, you’d be stuck in your city! In the same way, using GenAI for your HR processes spirals your progress exponentially. It transports you from manually repetitive tasks to independently generated and managed workflows. It also sets you on a path of businesses that are up to speed with technology. No one wants to do business with a company still operating with the 19th-century system. GenAI says “Let me take the stress off you” so you can focus more on other tasks that are highly human-dependent. How better can that be?

Having known how GenAI can help HR, let me share with you some tools that I’ve used and are fit to manage HR operations.

Integrating GenAI to Boost HR Efficiency

How do I integrate GenAI into my HR workflows?

Integrating GenAI with HR processes can revolutionize the way HR functions by automating tasks, enhancing decision-making, and providing personalized experiences for employees. You can integrate GenAI into your HR Process by following these easy steps:

  • Assess Current Processes: Identify HR processes that can benefit from AI integration.

  • Choose the Right GenAI Tools: Select GenAI solutions that align with your needs, whether it's off-the-shelf software or custom-built models. Also, ensure that the tool is compliant with regulatory standards guiding the HR industry and that your data is fully protected.

  • Data Preparation: Ensure you have clean, comprehensive, and relevant data to train and implement AI models. Connect the GenAI tool to the right database to get data and take instructions from.

  • Pilot Programs: Start with pilot programs to test the effectiveness and refine AI integration before a full-scale rollout.

  • Training and Change Management: Train HR staff and employees on new AI tools and manage the change to ensure smooth adoption.

  • Monitor and Improve: Continuously monitor AI performance and gather feedback to make necessary adjustments and improvements.

What Processes Need GenAI in HR?

HR Processes have a lot to do with the employees and, therefore consume a lot of time when done manually. This is where GenAI comes to the rescue in areas such as:

1. Recruitment and Onboarding

  • Automated Job Description and Announcement: GenAI can generate compelling and inclusive job descriptions based on role requirements, reducing bias and ensuring consistency. Automation tools like Activepieces can be used to build workflows that integrate a GenAI tool with any social media platform ( like LinkedIn ) to post job openings.

  • Applicants’ Matching and Screening: GenAI tools like TestGorilla can be used to analyze resumes and prepare screening tests for candidates, highlighting the most suitable candidates after the test based on predefined criteria and historical hiring data. Automated resume screening, interview scheduling, and candidate communication can significantly speed up the hiring process. Tools like Activepieces allow a bot to join during interviews. This bot transcribes the calls and sends the texts to be analyzed by the GenAI tool and automatically added to the HR system.

  • Personalized Onboarding Plans: GenAI can create tailored onboarding plans for new hires, ensuring a smooth transition and quick acclimatization to the company culture.

  • Virtual Assistants: GenAI-powered virtual assistants can provide new hires with information about company policies, benefits, and training resources.

2. Performance Management

  • Continuous Feedback Systems: GenAI can facilitate real-time feedback mechanisms, ensuring employees receive timely and constructive feedback.

  • Goal Tracking and Evaluation: GenAI tools can help set, track, and evaluate employee goals, aligning them with organizational objectives.

3. Learning and Development

  • Personalized Learning Paths: Being a Language-Learning Model ( LLM), GenAI can recommend tailored training and development programs based on previous data such as an employee’s role, skills, and career aspirations.

  • Content Generation: GenAI takes the lead in creating training materials, quizzes, and other learning content. Therefore, HR Departments can use it to create learning content for the employees.

4. Administrative and Operational Efficiency

  • Automating Routine Tasks: GenAI can handle repetitive tasks such as payroll processing, attendance tracking, and benefits administration provided it is fed with the required data.

  • Document Generation and Management: Automate the creation, distribution, and storage of HR documents such as offer letters, contracts, and performance reviews. Policy Queries: GenAI chatbots can answer common questions about HR policies, reducing the workload on HR staff.

5. Compliance and Risk Management

  • Regulatory Compliance: GenAI can help ensure compliance with labour laws and regulations by monitoring changes and updating policies and procedures accordingly.

  • Audit Trail and Reporting: Maintain detailed records of HR processes and decisions, facilitating audits and compliance reporting.

What GenAI Tools can be used in HR to Boost Efficiency?

Whenever GenAI Tools are mentioned, you would think it is a very huge and sophisticated machine taking up space in an entire room but that’s not true. GenAI Tools are everywhere around you. Some of the GenAI Tools used in HR include:

  • Chatbots: Recruiting the right talent is a marathon, not a sprint. Chatbots can handle the initial screening, answer candidate queries, and even schedule interviews. This leaves your HR team free to focus on more strategic tasks. These AI-driven chatbots can work around the clock, ensuring no potential candidate slips through the cracks. They also provide a consistent candidate experience, which is crucial in today's competitive job market.

  • AI-Powered Screening and Onboarding (e.g. testGorilla): Screening applicants is quite rigorous when done manually. With AI-powered tools, candidates can log in to their applicant accounts and take the screening test online. This helps streamline the qualified candidates for final interviews and onboarding.

  • Performance Management Systems (e.g. Seamless HR): Tracking and managing employee performance can be a daunting task, but it's essential for growth. GenAI systems identify trends and provide actionable insights, helping managers support their teams better and make data-driven decisions.

You should be tired of manually creating job descriptions, posting open roles, recruiting and engaging employees. Those are the reasons for your burnout. So, make the switch to GenAI immediately and have your mind at rest from the stress of juggling between repetitive tasks.