5 Airlines Processes That Can Be Easily Automated


The Airline industry thrives on efficiency; from optimizing fuel consumption to streamlining passenger flow, innovation is key. Automation tools are rapidly transforming the passenger experience, offering features like automatic check-in and personalized flight recommendations. But with any new technology, it's important to consider both the benefits and the risks.

Top 5 Airline Processes Prime for Automation

The airline industry juggles complex operations, but many tasks are worthy of automation, such as:

  • Ticketing & Reservations: Imagine a system that seamlessly handles bookings, updates databases and sends confirmations. Automation can streamline this, freeing staff for more complex issues.
  • Check-In & Boarding: Self-service kiosks and digital boarding passes are already making waves. Automation can extend to managing check-in queues, issuing passes, and notifying passengers of gate changes.
  • Customer Support: Chatbots can answer frequent questions, resolve booking changes, and even handle rebooking during delays. This frees up human agents for trickier situations.
  • Baggage Handling: While fully automated baggage systems are still evolving, automation can improve sorting, tracking, and re-routing lost luggage, reducing passenger frustration.
  • Reporting & Compliance: Airlines navigate a sea of regulations. Automation can handle data collection, generate reports, and ensure compliance, saving time and resources.

Benefits of Automation for Airline Processes

Automation offers a variety of advantages for frequent flyers and casual travellers alike:

  • Improved Efficiency: Automation can save you time and hassle. Flight search alerts keep you updated on deals, mobile boarding passes eliminate the need to wait in line, and automatic check-in allows you to breeze through the airport.
  • Enhanced Convenience: Automation tools are available 24/7, allowing you to manage your reservations and access information anytime, anywhere. No more waiting on hold or scouring websites for updates.
  • Personalized Experience: Some automation tools can personalize your travel experience by offering recommendations and deals based on your preferences. Imagine receiving alerts for flights to your favourite destinations or special offers on travel insurance.

Automation and Security: Potential Risks to Consider

While automation has many benefits, there are also some security challenges to be aware of. Some of them are:

  • Safeguarding Your Data: Automation tools often rely on APIs to connect with airline systems. Security vulnerabilities in these connections could expose your personal information or allow unauthorized access to your itineraries.
  • Beware of Third-Party Tools: Some tools require sharing your airline login credentials, which can be risky if the tool is compromised. Always research the tool's reputation and security practices before handing over your login information.
  • Tech Reliance and Potential Disruptions: Airlines are becoming increasingly reliant on automation for core operations. If these systems are compromised or experience technical glitches, it can lead to significant disruptions and delays.

Choosing the Right Automation Tool for Airlines

With a cautious approach, you can leverage the power of automation tools while minimizing security risks. Here are some key points to consider when choosing a tool:

  1. Data Residency: To ensure your data remains secure and under your control, you should prioritize finding a tool that can be hosted on your own company's machines (on-premises). This way, the data stays within our infrastructure and minimizes the risk of external compromise.
  2. Security Features: Look for an automation tool that prioritizes security with features like data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and a proven track record of user data protection. Avoid using third-party tools that require sharing the company's data with the public. Go for an open-source tool like Activepieceswhich ensures that the company’s data is encrypted. It also allows the user to have full ownership of the data on-prem.
  3. Compliance: Always ensure any automation tool complies with the airline's terms of service and the industry’s regulations. Look for certifications like SOC-2.
  4. Reliability: Automation may not always work perfectly. Flight information and airline websites can change, so it's wise to have a backup plan for manual check-in if needed.
  5. Integrations: If you use other travel platforms or tools, consider compatibility and potential integrations for a more streamlined workflow.
  6. Cost: Compare pricing models and features to find a tool that fits your needs and budget. Some tools offer free basic functionalities with paid upgrades for additional features.
  7. Customer Support: Reliable customer support is essential in case of any issues or troubleshooting needs.

Regulations Guiding Airline Automation

The airline industry is subject to a complex web of regulations regarding automation, driven by various international and national governing bodies. Here's a breakdown of some key regulatory areas to consider:

Data Privacy Regulations:

-General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Others: Regulations like GDPR (Europe) and similar data privacy laws around the world govern how airlines collect, store, and use passenger data. Automation tools that interact with passenger data must comply with these regulations to ensure data privacy and security. Industry Standards:

  • Airlines Implementing Automation Systems (ARINC): Industry organizations like ARINC develop best practices and guidance for airlines implementing automation systems. These best practices address areas like system design, risk management, and human-machine interface design.
  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO): Safety Regulations (Annex 6): ICAO sets the foundation for safe automation implementation through Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention. This annexe outlines international standards and recommended practices for the operation of aircraft, including guidance on automation in flight management systems and crew training requirements.

By embracing automation, airlines can shorten the time spent on most processes, reduce human engagement and improve efficiency, thereby keeping their operations running smoothly.