Launch Week I Day 2: AI Copilot for Building Flows


Today, we're excited to launch the first step of our new Copilot: a chat-based interface where you can ask AI to help you write code. I would like to thank Abdullah Bitar and Alexandru-Dan Pop for contributing the user interface.


About a year ago, we introduced a feature where AI would create a flow for you based on prompts. However, after listening to feedback, we realized it wasn’t as useful as we had hoped. The most challenging part of building a flow isn’t designing the structure—it’s connecting accounts and filling in specific details. Because of this, we decided to discontinue that approach.

For instance, even if the AI built a "send Slack message" flow, you’d still have to manually connect your account and select the correct channel.

A New Approach

Now, we’re taking a new direction. Our AI will focus on speeding up flow creation by assisting with the more difficult steps. We started with the "Ask AI" feature in code pieces, and soon, it will extend to help with HTTP requests too. You’ll be able to provide third-party documentation, and the AI will assist in setting up the request or filling in necessary details, making the entire process much faster.

Design Details

We’ve learned that the first result from AI isn’t always exactly what you want. To address this, we’ve moved from a single-prompt system to a chat-based interface. This allows you to interact with the AI, refining the result through conversation until it matches your needs. You can check out the new interface here.


What do you think of this approach? Your feedback is important to us! Join the conversation at and share your thoughts.