2 minute read
Now that you understand where the future is heading and how ChatGPT has changed our daily lives, it's crucial to recognize the risks of falling behind in AI adoption. I'll show you how to identify if your organization might be at risk and what the consequences will be.
Am I Falling Behind with AI?
You might automatically think you're not falling behind, especially if you and your team use ChatGPT every day. But this is a red flag.
The two common mistakes my customers realized too late were:
Treating ChatGPT as just a separate app, not connecting it to their department's workflows.
Viewing AI as a project for their tech team, rather than integrating it as a core tool across all departments.
These signs are a loud shout that your organization is lagging behind in AI adoption.
The 3 Risks
So you ask yourself, what do I risk if I don't adopt AI as quickly as possible? The answer is the 3 risks:
- Losing Market to Competitors
If you don't implement AI across your functions, your competitor will. You'll then become a reactive business, trying to catch up with what they've already succeeded at. Losing market share isn't so fun.
- Getting Outdated
Your customers expect you to speak the latest tech language. If they can talk to their mobile phones to handle complicated tasks, they'll expect to interact with your product as such. Disappointing your customers is the biggest risk you can take.
- Losing Employees to More Exciting Companies
Your employees, like everyone else, now fear not acquiring the AI skills needed in today's market. If you don't show them that your company can offer those opportunities, they'll look elsewhere---and it's fair. They need to secure their future job.
In this book, I'll go through the challenges and solutions so you can be an early adopter of organizational AI, rather than a company that's just catching up.