
The new setup that will turn your organization into an AI powerhouse

By: Ashraf Samhouri | with Ginikachukwu Nwibe & Mabel Obadoni


3 minute read

It's a buzzword, I know. But don't let that fool you into overlooking AI altogether.

AI is more useful today than ever, especially when you put it within the context of automation.

Let's go back to the basics: automation is a set of steps executed automatically. You design it, and it works while you're sleeping.

Add AI into the mix, and you've got AI Automation.

Great, so how is this really transformative? You might think using ChatGPT is enough AI for your needs. Well, here's the difference between AI and AI automation:

Imagine you want to post a ChatGPT-generated tweet every hour. With AI (but without automation), you'd need to visit ChatGPT every hour, ask it to generate a tweet, then head over to X.com and post it.

Cool, but still a lot of manual work.

Now, with automation, you build a flow that looks like this:

  1. Run every hour.

  2. Generate a tweet with ChatGPT.

  3. Post it to X.com.

You publish the flow, and it runs in the background, every single hour, without human error or effort.

Let's get more serious. Imagine you receive dozens of emails every day (you work in support, for example). You could create a flow that reads your email, classifies them based on importance, and tags each one so you can better navigate them.

Like that---and much more across sales, marketing, HR, legal, finance, operations, and beyond. Follow me here:

  • Use AI to automatically analyze customer sentiment in emails and generate personalized responses based on the tone and content, ensuring each customer feels heard and valued.

  • Generate AI-powered insights on your marketing campaigns by analyzing engagement data, then automatically adjust ad spending to focus on the most effective channels.

  • Use natural language processing to scan legal documents for specific clauses and trigger alerts for contracts that need immediate review or renegotiation.

  • Apply AI to forecast cash flow by analyzing historical financial data and predicting future trends, then automatically adjust budgets and financial plans accordingly.

  • Deploy AI to monitor real-time customer interactions and suggest tailored upsell or cross-sell opportunities during a sales call, optimizing each interaction for maximum revenue.

  • Use machine learning to analyze employee performance data and automatically generate personalized development plans, ensuring each team member has a clear path for growth.

AI automation isn't just about efficiency---it's about freeing up time and mental energy so you can focus on what really matters.

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