Others Options
This documentation is to deploy activepieces on VM Instance or VM Instance Group, we should first create VM template
Create VM Template
First choose machine type (e.g e2-medium)
After configuring the VM Template, you can proceed to click on “Deploy Container” and specify the following container-specific settings:
- Image: activepieces/activepieces
- Run as a privileged container: true
- Environment Variables:
: http://localhost:80AP_EXECUTION_MODE
- Firewall: Allow HTTP traffic (for testing purposes only)
Once these details are entered, click on the “Deploy” button and patiently wait for the container deployment process to complete.\
After a successful deployment, you can access the ActivePieces application by visiting the external IP address of the VM on GCP.
Production Deployment
Please visit ActivePieces for more details on how to customize the application.