Activepieces uses Zod for runtime validation of piece properties. Zod provides a powerful schema validation system that helps ensure your piece receives valid inputs.

To use Zod validation in your piece, first import the validation helper and Zod:

Please make sure the minimumSupportedRelease is set to at least 0.36.1 for the validation to work.

import { createAction, Property } from '@activepieces/pieces-framework';
import { propsValidation } from '@activepieces/pieces-common';
import { z } from 'zod';

export const getIcecreamFlavor = createAction({
  name: 'get_icecream_flavor', // Unique name for the action.
  displayName: 'Get Ice Cream Flavor',
  description: 'Fetches a random ice cream flavor based on user preferences.',
  props: {
    sweetnessLevel: Property.Number({
      displayName: 'Sweetness Level',
      required: true,
      description: 'Specify the sweetness level (0 to 10).',
    includeToppings: Property.Checkbox({
      displayName: 'Include Toppings',
      required: false,
      description: 'Should the flavor include toppings?',
      defaultValue: true,
    numberOfFlavors: Property.Number({
      displayName: 'Number of Flavors',
      required: true,
      description: 'How many flavors do you want to fetch? (1-5)',
      defaultValue: 1,
  async run({ propsValue }) {
    // Validate the input properties using Zod
    await propsValidation.validateZod(propsValue, {
      sweetnessLevel: z.number().min(0).max(10, 'Sweetness level must be between 0 and 10.'),
      numberOfFlavors: z.number().min(1).max(5, 'You can fetch between 1 and 5 flavors.'),

    // Action logic
    const sweetnessLevel = propsValue.sweetnessLevel;
    const includeToppings = propsValue.includeToppings ?? true; // Default to true
    const numberOfFlavors = propsValue.numberOfFlavors;

    // Simulate fetching random ice cream flavors
    const allFlavors = [
      'Cookie Dough',
      'Salted Caramel',
    const selectedFlavors = allFlavors.slice(0, numberOfFlavors);

    return {
      message: `Here are your ${numberOfFlavors} flavors: ${selectedFlavors.join(', ')}`,
      sweetnessLevel: sweetnessLevel,
      includeToppings: includeToppings,