You can use the CLI to build custom pieces for the platform. This process compiles the pieces and exports them as a .tgz packed archive.

How It Works

The CLI scans the packages/pieces/ directory for the specified piece. It checks the name in the package.json file. If the piece is found, it builds and packages it into a .tgz archive.


To build a piece, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have the CLI installed by cloning the repository.
  2. Run the following command:
npm run build-piece

You will be prompted to enter the name of the piece you want to build. For example:

? Enter the piece folder name : google-drive

The CLI will build the piece and you will be given the path to the archive. For example:

Piece 'google-drive' built and packed successfully at dist/packages/pieces/community/google-drive