You can use the CLI to publish custom pieces to the platform. This process packages the pieces and uploads them to the specified API endpoint.

How It Works

The CLI scans the packages/pieces/ directory for the specified piece. It checks the name and version in the package.json file. If the piece is not already published, it builds, packages, and uploads it to the platform using the API.


To publish a piece, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you have an API Key. Generate it from the Admin Interface by navigating to Settings.
  2. Install the CLI by cloning the repository.
  3. Run the following command, replacing API_KEY with your generated API Key, INSTANCE_URL with your instance URL, and PIECE_NAME with the name of the piece you want to publish:
AP_API_KEY=your_api_key_here npm run pieces -- publish --apiUrl https://INSTANCE_URL/api --name PIECE_NAME