You can configure the AI providers that you want to use in your flows.

Manage AI Providers

You can manage the AI providers that you want to use in your flows. To do this, go to the AI Providers page in the Admin Console.

You can define the provider’s base URL and the API key.

These settings will be used for all the projects for every request to the AI provider.

Manage AI Providers

Configure Token Limits Per Project

You can configure the token limits per project. To do this, go to the project general settings and change the AI Tokens field to the desired value.

This limit is per project and is an accumulation of all the reported usage by the AI piece in the project. Since only the AI piece goes through the Activepieces API, using any other piece like the native OpenAI, Anthropic, Perplexity, etc. pieces will not count towards or respect this limit.

Manage AI Providers


If you have a project with a 1000 Tokens limit which has the following flow runs:

  • A run that used OpenAI (consumed 100 tokens)
  • A run that used Anthropic (consumed 200 tokens)

the total tokens consumed for this project will be 300 tokens and the total remaining for this project tokens will be 700 tokens.