
What has changed?

  • AP_SANDBOX_RUN_TIME_SECONDS is now deprecated and replaced with AP_FLOW_TIMEOUT_SECONDS
  • AP_CODE_SANDBOX_TYPE is now deprecated and replaced with new mode in AP_EXECUTION_MODE

When is action necessary?

  • If you are using AP_CODE_SANDBOX_TYPE to V8_ISOLATE, you should switch to AP_EXECUTION_MODE to SANDBOX_CODE_ONLY
  • If you are using AP_SANDBOX_RUN_TIME_SECONDS to set the sandbox run time limit, you should switch to AP_FLOW_TIMEOUT_SECONDS


What has changed?

  • Project Members:
    • The EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER role has been deprecated and replaced with the OPERATOR role. Please check the permissions page for more details.
    • All pending invitations will be removed.
    • The User Invitation entity has been introduced to send invitations. You can still use the Project Member API to add roles for the user, but it requires the user to exist. If you want to send an email, use the User Invitation, and later a record in the project member will be created after the user accepts and registers an account.
  • Authentication:
    • The SIGN_UP_ENABLED environment variable, which allowed multiple users to sign up for different platforms/projects, has been removed. It has been replaced with inviting users to the same platform/project. All old users should continue to work normally.

When is action necessary?

  • Project Members:

If you use the embedding SDK or the create project member API with the EXTERNAL_CUSTOMER role, you should start using the OPERATOR role instead.

  • Authentication:

Multiple platforms/projects are no longer supported in the community edition. Technically, everything is still there, but you have to hack using the API as the authentication system has now changed. If you have already created the users/platforms, they should continue to work, and no action is required.